Frozen Gin + Juice

It is more than safe to say that despite the longevity of this international pandemic one thing has stood true and consistent, alcohol. We aren't here to discuss the skyrocketing numbers or even the at-home bartending videos our coworkers send via group chat for laughs, sips and giggles. No, we are here to test out this yummy little delight I stirred up unintentionally;

Frozen Gin & Juice

I know what you're thinking, 'Did she really just say frozen gin and juice?'. Yes, I did and you're going to try this out because it is way easier than your local Youtube liquor expert's fancy shmancy concoction. Here are the ingredients:

2 Ripe Mangos
2 Ripe Lemons
1 Cup of Water
4 Tbsp Sugar Cane

1 Cup of Ice
4-6oz of Gin (fords gin, if you're being exact)
1 Cutie Orange (yeah the kiddie orange)

Peel the skin off of your mangos and remove the flesh of the fruit from their gutli (seed). The same goes for the lemons, except you'll want to check each slice for those tiny seeds unless you don't mind them being stuck in your teeth. Add the mangos and lemons into your single serving blender cup--I use a ninja but if you have a nutribullet that works too--add one cup of water and sugar cane then blend! The result should be a thick, sweet tasting puree that you'll want to refrigerate in a sealed glass jar; that is unless you plan on drinking more than one cup (that is none of my business anyway).     Next you'll add your ice, gin and puree (to taste! Some of us prefer more alcohol than fruit) to the blender creating a thick, Frozen Gin & Juice. Slice up that cutie orange and drop it in your drink or add it as a decor to your glass! This drink is definitely more on the sweet side or the pandemic bar, but I'm positive that even those of you with more bitter taste may enjoy this by switching to liquor or even using different fruits.

When you try out this recipe, whether it's exact or with your own preferential twists, please tag me on Instagram because I would love to see you angels sip happy!

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